Resetting Passwords

How to assist a reader in resetting their Reader Zone account password.

Occasionally, a patron or student may lose or forget their password and require a password reset.

There are two simple ways to help patrons recover passwords and access their accounts.

1. Navigate to your reading programs page
2. Go to the reading program to which the reader belongs
3. Select the group or activity
4. Click on the name of the reader
5. On the reader information page, there are two buttons on the bottom left: Reset Password and Update Password.

Method 1:

Clicking the "Reset Password" button will send and email message to the email address for the reader with password reset instructions.

Method 2:

Clicking the "Update Password" button will open up a pop-up window that allows you to enter and confirm a new password for the patron.

Keep in mind that if you reset the password for one reader in a multi-reader account, the password will be changed for that entire Reader Zone account.

You can also access a Reader's individual page through a search in the Manage Readers area of the dashboard.

1. Navigate to your Manage Readers page
2. Use the drop-down menus and search bar to find the patron's readers account