RZU 101: The Basics of Reader Zone

Everything you need to know to get started with your new Reader Zone account!

Congratulations on creating a Reader Zone Organizer account!  Your reading programs are going to be amazing.  Below are some things you need to know to be successful using Reader Zone.


Useful Terms:

Reading Program Organizer: A person who creates a reading program for a school, library, family, or other organization. Generally, the person who created and owns the Reader Zone account.

Reading Program: The vehicle through which Reader Zone works. There are two types of Reading Programs: goal based, and a reading log. Each Program is assigned a unique five-character Program Code.

Goal Based: Sets goals for readers and is made to have readers on a regimented schedule with their reading.

           Example: Readers are set to read 20 minutes a day, every day for6 weeks. Readers will log their minutes every day of the program.

Reading Log: Used for tracking a readers’ progress and data without a set goal.

          Example: A metric will be set (minutes, books, pages, etc.) but not a set amount. Readers can read at their own pace and log what they have completed.

Reading Groups/Activities: Readers join and log reading data in Reading Groups/Activities. A Reading Group or Activity has a distinct goal or log. The parameters that define how participants log reading are set at the Reading Group/Activity level.

Reader:  A reading program participant who creates and manages his or her own Reader Zone account and logs his or her own reading.

Parent: A person who creates a Reader Zone account,manages the account and logs reading on behalf of one or more person. There is no limit to the number of children a parent can enroll in their Reader Zone account.

Internal Reader: A participant who added to a Reading Program and Reading Group/Activity by a Reading Program Organizer.  The Reading Program Organizer manages every aspect of the Internal Reader's account, including making reading entries.

Program Code: A unique five-character code that gives readers access into a Program, generated by Reader Zone.

Interval: Specific amount of reading over a set time frame.

Goal Amount: This can be set daily, monthly, weekly, or duration of program.

          Example: 20 minutes a day for a month, 1,000 minutes for the entire summer, 2 books a week for 6 weeks, etc.

How it works:

Reading Program Organizers create an account on the Reader Zone dashboard website.

You can create a goal-based reading OR reading log programs.

Each reading Program can have multiple Reading Groups/Activities.  A Reading Group/Activity can be a classroom, a reading level, activity type or age range. You collect data at the Group/Activity level.

It’s best to think of the Program as a container that holds the reading Groups/Activities. You can have an unlimited number of Programs. Inside the Program you can have an unlimited number of Groups/Activities and an unlimited number of Readers inside the Groups/Activities.

Each Reading Group or Activity is used by one metric of choice; minutes, books, or pages read.

    Example: A goal for a 4th grade reading group is 600 minutes - per month - from September through may. The metric for this group is “minutes” the interval is     “monthly”,and the time frame is “September through May.”

Organizers can see if participants are ahead, behind, or on track with a reading goal in real time.

Participants can log reading and manage every aspect of their account through the app. All features are available on the Reader Zone website.

Readers can participate in multiple reading Programs and multiple Groups/Activities at the same time.

(Pro-Tip: Have more Groups and less Programs to avoid confusion with fewer Program Codes)


Types of Metrics:

Each Group/Activity will have a type of metric that is used to track reading.

The different metrics to choose from are:

Books: Readers will log every time they finish a book.

Minutes: Readers use the timer feature to keep track of their minutes read.

Pages: Readers will log the number of pages read.

Yes/No Response: Used for readers to complete certain activities and is best when aquestion is being asked. “Did you read a fantasy novel?” “Did you read outside?”


 Test your knowledge from this course before moving on!



Now that you know the correct terminology and how Reader Zone is structured, you are set to create your first Reading Program in course 102!